Great idea from George. He made a nut tumbler to sort the nutmeats and shells.
He said "Did I ever show you the tumbler I made to rid nutmeats of any little pieces of shells?
I toss in a couple handfuls of nuts, give the crank a few turns, and the fines and shell bits fall into the pan under the tumbler, while the larger sections tumble to the front and into another pan leaving me with the nice large nutmeats that people like.
It works slick, ridding the nutmeats of those pesky little shell piece."
It is so neat creative design.
Rebecca Whitney - February 28, 2022
Looks nifty!
Does he sell them?
Mike Krebill - February 28, 2022
This looks very useful. I’ve spent hours picking out shell shards with tweezers, and would buy it in a heartbeat if it were available.
Byron Freese - February 28, 2022
I have one of your older models and want to see the improvements. I have had problems with the handle bending but this one looks like stronger.
Rusty Farley - February 28, 2022
Is the “HOMEMADE NUT TUMBLER BY GEORGE” for sale? I don’t see how to buy it.
Rusty Farley - February 28, 2022
Is the “HOMEMADE NUT TUMBLER BY GEORGE” available to purchase yet? I didn’t find where/how to buy it.
Dena Lowe - February 28, 2022
I am so excited… Grandpa I love you just wanted to make sure you were still here this year I am ready to go collect walnuts and use your invention I remember you from a few years back I found you on the Internet now I’m using DuckDuckGo thank you I will be ordering soon
lawrence - February 28, 2022
live in Sarnia Ont. CAD. looking to purchase tumbler and black walnut cracker with the nut pliers. like to know if u send this out of country, and the price. Thanks you in advance